The all-encompassing Amrit Kaal Union Budget, CFO News, ETCFO

The all-encompassing Amrit Kaal Union Budget

BY: Vikram Doshi and Raunak Chordia

The Amrit Kaal Budget presented by the Finance Minister on 1 February 2023 has been built with a clear and strong vision of an empowered and inclusive economy. It touches upon several constituents of the Indian economy – agriculture, technology, start-ups, MSMEs, infrastructure, along with upliftment of the economically backward, the middle class and high net worth Indians (HNIs). The Budget also comes at a very interesting time, both from a political standpoint as well as from the standpoint of global growth headwinds, wherein the world is looking up to India as a bright spot. The most remarkable announcement of the Budget 2023 is the steep increase in the capital investment outlay that will help drive economic growth and inclusive development.

The tax proposals of the Budget 2023 are generally seen as balanced, i.e., some steps towards stability and clarity, rationalisation measures and widening of the tax base. There are, however, some measures that can cause genuine hardships.

In an unexpected amendment, capital investments by non-resident investors in Indian companies are brought under the ambit of taxation in some situations. In 2012, a new tax on super premium, i.e., any amount received in excess of the fair market value (FMV) of shares, issued by a closely held company, was introduced. The provision was introduced with an intent to prevent circulation of unaccounted money. The above provision was applicable only where such amounts were received from resident investors. The Budget proposals of 2023 extend this provision to investment by non-residents. Effectively, this means that any premium received, in excess of the FMV of shares, by a closely held company shall be taxable in the hands of the company issuing the shares. The above provisions do not apply to recognised start-ups or any amount received from venture capital funds. Interestingly, the foreign exchange regulations restrict any issue of shares to a non-resident at a price less than the FMV of shares i.e., the tax amendment could be perceived as contrary to the requirement under the exchange management regulations.

The interplay of foreign exchange regulation and tax provisions could mean that the issue of shares to non- residents can be made exactly at the FMV as arithmetically derived. This will leave no room for the parties to the transaction to negotiate on the pricing, which seems impractical, especially in the context of a continuous economic flux.

In the start-up space, eligible start-ups are given an extension to claim tax holiday. Under the existing provisions, one of the conditions for claiming the tax holiday is that the start-up should have been incorporated on or before 31 March 2023. It is now proposed to revise this date to 31 March 2024. Further, protection to carry forward and set-off of losses, even in the case of change in shareholding, is extended from seven to ten years from incorporation. This shall provide relaxation for set-off of carried forward losses incurred in the first ten years of incorporation despite dilution or change in shareholding of the start-ups. With the start-up industry taking longer periods to break even, the said proposal is a welcome one.

Certain distributions by InVITs/REITs (Business Trust), which were not being taxed in the hands of the Business Trust or the unit holders, are now being made taxable to ensure that there is no situation of double non taxation. It is also proposed that where distributions result in redemption of the units of the Business Trust, taxes shall be applicable only on distributions, net of cost. Lastly, amongst other rationalisation measures, the Budget provides some relief to HNI taxpayers by introducing a reduction in the surcharge and to the average taxpayer in the form of rebates and increased tax slabs. In conclusion, despite some unanticipated changes, the Union Budget 2023 is seen as positive, balanced and all-encompassing – it has something in it for everyone.

 Vikram Doshi Partner– Price Waterhouse &  Co LLP
Vikram Doshi Partner– Price Waterhouse & Co LLP

 Raunak Chordia Partner – Price Waterhouse & Co LLP
Raunak Chordia Partner – Price Waterhouse & Co LLP

About the Authors: Vikram Doshi Partner and Raunak Chordia Partner – Price Waterhouse & Co LLP

Disclaimer: The views expressed are solely of the authors and does not necessarily subscribe to it. shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/organisation directly or indirectly.

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