Budget transfer pricing wish list – Three quick fixes to ease compliance, CFO News, ETCFO

Budget transfer pricing wish list – Three quick fixes to ease compliance

By Jitendra Jain

Transfer pricing law was introduced in India in April 2001. Since its introduction, transfer pricing has become the most important international tax issue for multinational enterprises operating in India.

India has detailed compliance and filing requirements to ensure that taxpayers report their related party transaction in the prescribed transfer pricing form and maintain prescribed documentation to demonstrate that related party transactions have been undertaken at arm’s length. Further, India has also introduced the requirement of maintaining a global master file and country-by-country report, in line with the outcome of the OECD base erosion and profit shifting project. These compliance requirements are essential as they provide the tax administrators an opportunity to understand taxpayers’ businesses and conduct informed transfer pricing risk assessment and audit.

Ever since its introduction in 2001, the government has announced several measures to rationalize transfer pricing provisions. Few of such notable measures include introduction of the concept of range, introduction of safe harbour rules and risk-based selection of cases for scrutiny. While these measures have brought India closer to global best practices, certain provisions in the Indian transfer pricing regulations require tweaking to improve India’s tax and transfer pricing competitiveness.

Twenty years of transfer pricing administration should be an opportune time to relook at certain requirements and evaluate if some of them have outlived their utility and can be done away with, without compromising on the policy objectives behind their introduction. Further, the Union Budget 2022-23 is scheduled to be presented on 1 February 2022. So, it’s an opportune time to highlight such measures.

This article focuses on three such compliance measures:

1. Remove certification requirement: Currently, all taxpayers entering into related party transactions are required to prepare a detailed transfer pricing disclosure form and get the same certified by an independent accountant. The independent accountant is required to opine whether the prescribed documentation has been maintained and whether the particulars in the form are ‘true and correct’.

The objective of such a form is to ensure that a taxpayer doesn’t miss disclosing a related party transaction. Further, it also provides the tax administration sufficient information to apply risk parameters for selection of cases for scrutiny.

It’s very common for countries to seek information on related party transactions by way of either a separate transfer pricing form or by way of an annexure to the tax return (e.g., China, Australia, Indonesia, USA, Spain, etc.). However, only a handful of countries (e.g., Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia) require taxpayers to obtain a certificate from an independent accountant. Even Sri Lanka had such a requirement earlier, however, it has done away with it recently.

India should replace such independent accountant certification with self-certification by the taxpayer. If the idea of obtaining such a certificate is to ensure that taxpayers don’t miss disclosing a reportable transaction, the existing penalty of two percent of the value of the undisclosed transaction should act as an adequate deterrent for taxpayers..

2. Remove compliance for non-residents: The transfer pricing provisions require compliance by a non-resident taxpayer if it derives taxable income from transactions with its related party in India. This is despite the fact that the Indian entity is already required to report the same transaction and justify that it was priced at arm’s length.

India is probably the only country in the world with such a requirement. This requirement can be done away with as it leads to duplication of efforts.

Non-residents should be excluded from the ambit of transfer pricing compliance in India, provided its Indian related party has undertaken the required compliances with respect to the same international transaction.

The Finance Act, 2020 exempted non-resident taxpayers earning certain prescribed categories of income from filing the return of income in India provided taxes have been appropriately withheld from such taxable income as per the India Income Tax Act. However, corresponding amendments have not been made to the transfer pricing provisions. Therefore, a situation arises where a non-resident exempted from filing a tax return in India would still need to comply with transfer pricing provisions. At a minimum, such non-residents should be exempted from transfer pricing compliance..

3. Increase threshold for compliance: Currently, taxpayers with international related party transactions exceeding INR one crore are required to maintain detailed transfer pricing documentation. This threshold limit is extremely low and it has remained the same for the past two decades. Increasing the threshold will contribute significantly towards eliminating the onus on small-sized taxpayers of complying with such requirements.

In the last few years India has introduced various measures to align its transfer pricing regulations with global best practices. However, the above suggested changes will go a long way in easing compliance requirements without diluting the policy objective behind their introduction.

About the Author: Jitendra Jain is a professional Chartered Accountant.

Disclaimer: The views expressed are solely of the authors and ETCFO.com does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETCFO.com shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person/ organisation directly or indirectly.

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