Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life CFO, CFO News, ETCFO

 Tarun Rustagi, CFO, Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance
Tarun Rustagi, CFO, Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance

In an interview with ETCFO’s Shivani Phaugat, Tarun Rustagi, CFO, Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance, shared his views on the impact of tax deductions under section 80C becoming optional, fairness of differential GST rates with respect to the current format and implications of LIC listing on the industry.

Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance is life insurance company jointly owned by public sector banks – Canara Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, and HSBC Insurance. It operates on bancassurance model and has access to over 115 million customers and a pan-India network of over 11,000 branches of all partner banks. Edited excerpts:

Q: Tax benefits under 80C have been a major driving force for the life insurance policies. The Govt. appears to be moving towards a deduction free income tax regime, part of which was unveiled in the budget. How do you see the near and long term impact on life insurance segment?

Tarun Rustagi: Tax benefits under income tax have always been a good support in creating push towards insurance products and incentivizing people to buy insurance. With such a low insurance penetration in the country, these benefits help in spreading awareness and create need for insurance and savings products. Although the new optional tax structure wherein deductions including 80C is to be foregone, is not a positive news for the life insurance industry, yet I do not foresee any major impact since the segment of customers moving from old structure to the new structure may not be very large as in the new tax structure individuals have to forego many exemptions/deductions which are currently available.

Additionally, even if 80C becomes optional, individuals are not expected to stop purchasing life insurance products. With increased awareness about insurance needs we are moving towards need based purchase and with continued exemption of maturity payouts under 10(10D), there is still some incentive.

Insurance products are the only long term products available to an individual to help plan the future financial needs. As the awareness increases and people become more educated, I believe insurance is poised for stable growth in the long term.

Q: How do you compare the insurance regulatory regime in India viz a viz Europe and America? Is there any pressing need for some policy intervention for the sector?

Tarun Rustagi: I believe comparing matured markets like Europe and America to developing markets like that of India may not be appropriate as regulations in developing countries are still evolving.

In the last two decades, Government and regulators has taken multiple steps to create a robust regulatory regime. But, there are still areas which need to be addressed such as the low level of customer awareness and low penetration in India.

On the customer penetration side, government schemes like Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojama and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana have created a lot of awareness about insurance but there is still a long way to go.

Given that in India Govt. does not provide social security, insurance can play a very important role in providing that to all citizens. I strongly feel that Govt. should make this an important agenda and ensure that people get themselves insured and financially secured by enabling tax benefits and even making insurance mandatory just like Motor Vehicle Insurance etc.

Q: Different GST rates are applicable to different life insurance plans. What is your take on this?

Tarun Rustagi: There are different effective GST rates because GST is applicable only on Risk premium and charges, if any. The rate of GST for term plans, where the premium is only in respect of risk cover is 18%.

However, for endowment plans where the premium has component of both risk cover as well as the savings has blended rate of 4.5% for first year and 2.25% for subsequent years. Similarly, in unit-linked insurance plans (ULIP) where the premium consists of investment portion as well as charges, GST is charged at 18%, only on the charges under the ULIP.

The general rate of GST of 18% for life insurance is high considering the social importance of life insurance in India, for which the industry has requested the Government time and again to bring it down. However, the concept of charging different rates for different types of plans as mentioned above is fair, under the current regime, considering the logic of value on which GST is charged.

Q: With the announcement in Budget 2020 to list LIC, what impact do you visualize of the impending listing on existing insurance players?

Tarun Rustagi: I feel that the listing of LIC will be a very positive step as that will create more visibility of Insurance Companies, it will create more transparency, enhance compliance and governance amongst insurance companies. Also, after the listing of LIC, we are expecting more and more insurance companies to move towards that and it will result in more awareness about Insurance.

Q: As a CFO of a life insurance company, what are your major challenges and how are you dealing with it?

Tarun Rustagi: A CFO’s role in any organization is challenging, this is especially so in a life Insurance company. In our business we have to maintain a balance between four key stakeholders; customers, distributors, shareholders and employees.
Current economic environment and falling interest rates: have created the need to protect investment income for both our policyholders and shareholders. The challenge is thus in product pricing and competitive customer proposition therefore we are working on hedging strategy to tackle this along with effective cash flow management.
Maintaining the right balance between risk and controls is another challenge. We as an organization are highly focused on governance, having a strong and robust risk control framework helps to curb loss of time and money.
Talent retention: is also an important challenge in our industry. While we are focusing on making our current environment cohesive by embracing newer technologies and processes, focus on customized training for upskilling will be required to handle the new tools and technologies.

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