Government must not exhaust all its fiscal capacity at one go says Rajeev Chandrashekhar, CFO News, ETCFO

 Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Member of Parliament
Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Member of Parliament

The Finance Minister’s announcements of Rs 20 lakh crore package is complicated and voluble. Rajeev Chandrashekhar, the former owner of BPL Telecom, MP and also seasoned investor explains this package from a government and industry perspective to ETCFO.

He tells us how much can the government do to improve demand, all the while saving a little back for a possible rainy day in times of Covid uncertainty.

Edited transcripts.

Q. The Finance Minister has shared a breakup of Rs. 20 lakh cr and announced dozens of measures. How do you see it translate to the beneficiaries?

COVID-19 pandemic is a significant shock to economies all around the world. In the USA, where we suddenly saw 25% unemployment, cut in economic growth and a $3-4 trillion stimulus which did not stop rise in unemployment or business failures. It’s a shock for the Indian economy as well on four specific legs – on which the economy was tugging along.

1. Demand shock. It happened because of low consumption, social distancing.

2. Supply chain disruption – Even in case of essential services for which there is a demand, no one is able to produce due to the disruption.

3. Exports on a pause mode.

4. Capital flows. There has been a sharp break in terms of foreign and domestic capital.

These four impacted our economy and it’s nothing like in 2008 where the problem was limited to liquidity for the banking sector. This is a larger stop sign across areas like consumption, demand, manufacturing, supply chain and capital. The government, therefore, has two clear objectives.

1. Providing enough money for healthcare requirements of state government hospitals, cities, there should be adequate resources.

2. The economy should be strong. There is a stop line so that companies don’t go insolvent and jobs are not lost and this problem is not amplified into the real economy.

Q. There are a bunch of measures that the Finance Minister has taken, but India Inc believes that it will not lead to demand creation. What do you think?

The government’s objective is to protect the economy, businesses, jobs and the informal sector. With the packages that have been announced, and the liquidity that is available in the system, nobody will dispute today that the financial sector is in the position to restart the economy and support businesses that want to restart. Now comes the issue of demand, and therefore consumption and therefore the actual restarting of the manufacturing and services sector.

We must understand, we have only come out of lockdown on 18th May. There is no magic bullet, there is no quick fix, there is no shortcut to stimulating and restarting demand in an economy coming out of a 60 days of lockdown.

But how do you see demand growing?

That depends on two things:

1. How people come out of their homes, how people restart their lives, what is going to be the impact of that on-demand organically –

2.If, at the right stage, when businesses are ready, capital is readily available to the businesses to produce and service demand — it might need a stimulus and a kickstart. I am sure the government will react to it at that point.

In Karnataka, the takeaway food businesses and alcohol businesses, all of them have shown a sharp organic growth in demand, the day it opened up. So, as a prudent government, it’s job is to track how demand is growing and for that, we have to give it 2-3 weeks. We should not decide one day after lockdown how much demand has fallen and how much demand will go back.

Can you explain it in detail?

For example, airline demand will not be connected by any stimulus. Airlines, hospitality, restaurants, hotels will be impacted by the sharply changed consumer behaviour – which cannot be altered by government stimulus. It’s still early days to start quantifying the demand growth or demand slump without waiting for one or two months to see how it goes. Certain categories are growing rapidly, some need stimulus, and some need government help to grow.

At some point, the GST council will look at the categories that are growing and can grow, and see if there is something that can be done. As long as there is no vaccine or a cure, we don’t know what tomorrow holds. We are living in an era of uncertainty, and when there is uncertainty the government has to be very careful and prudent on how it spends its money.

The Indian government’s response to COVID-19 is very different from Western democracies. It is a continuous response without knowing what will be the scenario 3-4 months down the line. Now if tomorrow there is a sharp spike again, then state will require significant financial support in terms of healthcare capacity. The government should not exhaust all its fiscal capacity.

Q. The Finance Minister now increased the limit of state borrowings. Yet, states blame that they don’t have funds. Can you explain this mismatch?

There are a number of states with very leaky finances. GST collections have dramatically fallen and therefore the finance minister said, whatever is due to states under revised GST, have been paid. That is in March. The PM has told states we will give you an additional 2% borrowing power, you fund for yourself. In my opinion, the biggest reform that is going to happen is that of state financing. The pandemic forced state governments to understand how to meet the requirements of the poor, businesses, healthcare costs and balance their wasteful leaky spends and corruption.

If you manage your economy well your interest rates will be low. For example, Kerala borrowed at 9%, absurdly high interest rate for a state. So liquidity to the states is not a problem.

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